KS5: Nailing the Interview game

Improving your Interviewing

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93% of candidates admit to experiencing job interview anxiety at some point in their career.

41% of candidates worry about not being able to answer a difficult question.

Our workshop is designed to develop student’s knowledge and understanding of good practice leading up to and during an interview. Students will explore their personal strengths and link them to past experiences. In addition, HIP will investigate how to effectively deliver key messages and express themselves in an appropriate manner. HIP aims to instil confidence, develop control, and reduce stress associated with interviews, putting students ahead of their competition.

Improving your Interviewing

Focus on Strengths
Leading up to an Interview

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”
Understand the importance of effectively preparing leading up to an interview.
Explore personal strengths and link them to past experiences.
Link strengths and experiences to frequently asked questions.

Control 1
The night before an Interview

Plan your outfit to match the culture of the job
Do not cram!
Condense notes into concise buzz words.
Role play with family/friends
Forget about the Interview & relax!

Hunt the good
Just before going into an Interview

Embrace the physiological changes to the body just prior to an interview.
Opportunity mindset - "I am excited" mindset can help increase communication skills by 17%.
Positive affirmations - Switch feelings of worry into positive statements.

Adaptive Response
During an Interview

Explore how to effectively deliver key messages and express viewpoints in an appropriate manner.
Smile/eye contact
Voice - speed & clarity/confident tone

Letting Go
Think clearly under pressure

How to engage in breathing techniques such as box breathing to help refocus during a period of heightened anxiety.

Improving your Interviewing

  • Explore personal strengths and link to past experiences
  • Effectively prepare the night before Interview
  • Embrace the physiological changes to the body just prior to an interview
  • Deliver key messages and express viewpoint in an appropriate manner



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