Year 8 & 9: Tackling Anxiety

Teaching Pupils Tools To Tackle Anxiety

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Our “Tackling Anxiety” workshop delves into the concept of anxiety, aiming to provide clarity on its nature and prevalence. We reassure students that feeling anxious is a common experience, emphasising its normalcy. Exploring the physiological and psychological effects of anxiety, we shed light on how it impacts both our bodies and minds. Distinguishing between helpful and unhelpful anxieties, we offer insights to discern between the two. Finally, we equip students with four evidence-based tools designed to effectively address unhelpful anxieties, empowering them with practical strategies to navigate challenging emotions.



Our "Tackling Anxiety" workshop will focus on the following fundamental pillars:


HIP highlights the difference between anxiety as a normal human emotion and feeling anxious, emphasising that feeling anxious is a common experience. Students often label their experiences as anxiety when they are simply feeling anxious, and we'll explore this distinction together. Additionally, we will discuss the various types of anxieties, including real versus imagined fears, big versus small worries, and long-term versus short-term anxieties. Understanding these nuances will help students recognize and manage their emotions more effectively


Through classroom dialogues and relatable illustrations, students will come to understand that experiencing anxiety is a widespread emotion, manifesting uniquely in individuals and fluctuating across different circumstances. This realisation cultivates empathy and provides students with the means to offer support to themselves and their peers during periods of anxiety.

Adapt to Change
Helpful and Unhelpful

This workshop will explore how anxiety can influence behaviors, both beneficial and harmful. While it can act as a catalyst for action, it may also induce avoidance and other negative tendencies. By grasping these dynamics, students can acquire the skills to harness anxiety productively and adeptly confront its obstacles.

Focus on Strengths
Pupil Tool Kit

We'll introduce five evidence-based practical strategies that pupils can employ to manage and conquer unhelpful anxiety, including:

A web of connections
Speaking up
Movement is medicine
Belly breathing
Backed by evidence of effectiveness, these techniques will furnish students with potent tools to overcome obstacles and cultivate mental well-being.

How we teach

To emphasise key messages and embed our core teachings, we will incorporate the following within our workshop.

  • Exploration of real life scenarios
  • Relatable examples
  • A fun quiz
  • Thought provoking videos
  • Relevant discussion

By the end of the workshop, your pupils will have acquired evidence-based strategies.

  • Belly-breathing
  • Grounding
  • Connection
  • Speaking up
  • Movement

Be ready for an action filled 75 minutes

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